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Recommended Sites to Download Computer Driver

Perhaps you havenever experienced anything like the old computer and when you want to reinstall theOS, but do not know the driver CD or floppy disk where it has disappearedor you buy a used computerthat is not its driver oryou lose your Driver CD you buy a new computerDo not you confusednow there is a solution, if you're into cafe or borrow a friend's computer, office, or anyone connected to the internetyou will most likely get its driverThere are several sites thatintentionally providing drivers with a new long until such driver VGA, SoundCard, Network CardCD / DVD-ROM / RW and othersHere are the websitesthat provide these drivers we surveyed a fairly complete and should berecommended to you:

1.Driver Guide :
The site is arguably a complete site because it offers a variety of drivers formany devices and has received many awards such as PC Magazine and PC World. You must register in advance to be able to download the drivers youare looking for - Number of Drivers, firmware, utilities, and manuals there are about 438.458 - There are facilities for search driver wizard - Members joinfree - Free Software (toolkit, repair, utility) for the download.

2.Driver Zone :
This site offers drivers a more simple search and efficiently without the need to register first. This site is a kind of search engines like google in the search for drivers who were divided into two ways a search, the first is to find the name of the manufacturer of hardware and a second search for a name or serial number of the product you are looking for its driver. In addition, you can simply click on the icon you are looking for drivers directly to search manually.

3.Driver Files :
The site is almost the same as Driver Zone site by offering free drivers withoutpay and does not need registration, you simply search directly with the searchfacility or manually.


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