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LAN Tutorial – Step by step guide to create your Home network

These days it is becoming very common that in a household there are more than one computer. Instead of using them individually you can connect them together and create a Local Area Network (LAN). There are many advantages of LAN network. Here is a tutorial on LAN and steps to create a network.
To create a LAN you may need to spend some money and spend a few hours working on it. But if you do it once then you can enjoy the benefits of LAN for the rest of your life.
Benefits and advantages of LAN
  1. You can share files and information between computers. You can share the documents, audio, video and image files with other computer users in the network and similarly access their files from their computers.
  2. You can share hardware devices such as laser printer, DVD writer between computers. So you do not have to buy these hardware for every computer. If one of the computer has, then the other computers can use this.
  3. You can share the single internet connection. You can just pay for one internet connection while all your computers can share the same internet connection through the LAN.
Types of Networks
  • There are four types of network namely Wired network, wireless network, hybrid network and powerline network. Let us discuss each of them very briefly
  • Wired – As the name suggests, the computers in wired network are connected using wires. For this, coaxial cables and UTP cables are used. 10/100 ethernet cards can be used. Network card or network adapter (NIC: Network Interface Card) has to be installed on all computers in the network. 10/100 implies 10MBPS or 100 MBPS speed. Gigabit cards are also available in the market.
    The advantage of Wired network is it is fast, cheap and easy to create. You need a hub, switch or router. The disadvantage of wired network is that the wires have to be laid from these switches to each individual computer in the network.
  • Wireless network does not need any cables. It is easy to install. However it is quite expensive. There are limitations in the distance and there are security problems in wi-fi.
  • Considering the pros and cons of wired and wireless networks, connecting some computers through wires and some computers wirelessly is called hybrid network.
  • It is possible to send data through electrical wires. Powerline network was invented based on the concept that there is no need for a separate cable to carry data. It is not so popular in many countries.
Steps to create a LAN (Wired network)
  1. First install the network card’s driver software in all the computers. You can refer to the manual of the network card.
  2. Shutdown the computer and unplug the power connection
  3. Open the computer’s cabinet
  4. Touch an object such as metal pipe and release the static current from your body.
  5. Look for a free PCI slot in your motherboard. Remover the slot cover from the cabinet near the free PCI slot and insert the network card into the PCI slot firm and tight and secure it with screws.
  6. Close the cabinet, insert the power cable and start your computer. Windows will detect the network card. Now it will prompt for the driver. Use the network card’s CD and install the driver.
  7. Now connect the network Switch to the power cable and switch on.
  8. Use the UTP (Network cable) to connect your computer’s network card and the switch.
  9. Similarly connect the second computer to the switch.
  10. Now in Windows, star the Network setup wizard. In Windows XP, click Start->my network places and then select ‘Setup a home or small office network‘ link. This will open the wizard. Just follow the instructions in the wizard and complete the steps in the wizard
Congratulations. Your home network is ready to use.


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