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15 Best Video websites for Educators & Students

Online video websites provides a collection of video provided by various scholars, scientists all over the world.  This is article which consists of list of best video websites for educators as well students.

  • Teachers Tube
Teachers Tube was launched in March 6, 2007 and it is a video sharing website similar to You Tube.  This site was initiated by was initiated by Jason Smith, a Superintendent from Melissa, Texas and his wife Jodie and younger brother Adam.
  • Classroom clips
Classroom clips was launched in September 2007.  This website was launched to support parents and teachers in the perspective of education.  Classroom clips allows users to search and explore educational information.
  • CosmoLearning
CosmoLearning is a free online website for students and teachers.  The main desire of CosmoLearning is to provide free online school.  It was launched on July 2007 by Gab and Rafa who were once looking for study material on science.  Later they have decided to create a website in friendlier format.
  • BrightStorm
BrightStrom was launched in March 2008 and headquarters is Mountain View, CA.  The mission of BrightStorm is to be the best place in the world to learn.  It delivers over 20 million lessons and has more than 24,000 registered users.
  • is a free open access video educational website.  It consists of a collection of videos presented by scholars and scientists at various conferences, summer schools, workshops etc. Users can access the lectures and other relevant documents systematically.
  • TED-Ed
TED-Ed provides the video lectures on world’s greatest educators.  This platform allows users to access video lectures and create a customized lesson around the video.  TED-Ed’s video library is considerably growing day by day.
  • MentorMob
The aim of MentorMob is to make learning online free and accessible to the entire world.  The Chief Executing Officer of MentorMob is Kris Chinosorn.
  • LearnStreet:
LearnStreet is a free online educational video website.  It contains lectures on Python, Ruby, JavaScript and also contains practice exercises.
  • Coursea:
Coursea contains video lectures on Engineering, Humanities, mathematics, biology, medicine and other fields.  Users can attend the exams conducted by various universities for free and get their certificates too.
The  is a free educational video website which provide information on various subjects like biology, physics, nursing, engineering, history, literature, language etc.  The users can get access to information provided by best educators all over the world.
  • MIT video
The MIT video website was developed by MIT New office.  It contains a collection of videos produced by the Institute’s office, laboratories and administration.  The editorial team selects one video to spotlight each and every day.
  • SchoolTube
SchoolTube is a platform which helps users to share various videos relevant to education.  SchoolTube has 5 million teachers and 55 million students with over 500,000 educators and student videos online.
  • Teaching Channel
Teaching Channel is a platform in which inspiring and effective teaching practices of American Schools are telecasted.  The mission is to modify how the teachers are learning, connect to students, and inspire each other to increase their outcomes for all K-12 students all over America.
  • ScienceStage
It is an online portal which contains video lecturers.  It is a virtual conference room which helps in establishing a communication between the users and the educators, scientists, scholars etc.
  • Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a free online education website launched American Educator Salman Khan.  The mission of Khan Academy is to accelerate learning for students of all ages.


  1. Read all the information that i've given in above article. It'll give u the whole idea about it.
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