This year’s biggest Ubuntu release – Ubuntu 15.04 – is available for download. Ubuntu is the favorite platform of developers and it now it covers a variety of devices – desktop, mobile, cloud and IoT.
The headline change in Ubuntu 15.04 is the introduction of the Systemd init system at boot-time.
This is the software that initializes (hence the name ‘init’) first when booting, and handles loading of the various modules and background processes that make much of a modern computer operating system do what it needs to.
Ubuntu previously used Upstart, its own custom-made Init system, at boot time.

Get your .iso images downloaded from here….
The headline change in Ubuntu 15.04 is the introduction of the Systemd init system at boot-time.
This is the software that initializes (hence the name ‘init’) first when booting, and handles loading of the various modules and background processes that make much of a modern computer operating system do what it needs to.
Ubuntu previously used Upstart, its own custom-made Init system, at boot time.
Ubuntu Linux Kernel 3.19
While not based on the latest version of the Linux Kernel Ubuntu 15.04 ships with a modified version of 3.19.3 one. Expect a few updates to the most recent 3.19.x patch releases shortly after release.Application Updates
You’ll also find updated versions many of Ubuntu’s default apps, including the latest Firefox web-browser and Thunderbird e-mail client, a new version of the Rhythmbox music player plus an entirely revamped Totem video player.- LibreOffice 4.4
- Firefox 37
- Thunderbird 31.6
- Shotwell 0.20.2
- Nautilus 3.14.2
- Evince 3.14.2
- Rhythmbox 3.1
- Totem 3.14.1
- GNOME Terminal 3.14
Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) downloads
Ubuntu is distributed on two types of images described below.
Desktop image
The desktop image allows you to try Ubuntu without changing your computer at all, and at your option to install it permanently later. This type of image is what most people will want to use. You will need at least 384MiB of RAM to install from this image.Server install image
The server install image allows you to install Ubuntu permanently on a computer for use as a server. It will not install a graphical user interface.Get your .iso images downloaded from here….
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