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Best Computer Tricks Everyone Should Know About

This list is about the Best Computer Tricks Everyone Should Know About. We will try our best so that you understand this list Best Computer Tricks Everyone Should Know About. I hope you like this list Best Computer Tricks Everyone Should Know About. So lets begin:

Navigate everything with your keyboard

There are some basic keyboard shortcuts that everyone should know, but if you really want to use your computer more efficiently, you can go much further. Learn the most common shortcuts for your favorite programs, like Gmail, Microsoft Word, basic text boxes, and even Facebook. After a while, you’ll be able to navigate through menus and text boxes with incredible speed. Check out our guide to becoming a keyboard ninja, along with a bunch of cheat sheets to help you escape.

take a screenshot

  • On a Mac, CMD Shift 3 takes a full screen photo, or you can tap the Print Screen button on the Windows PC keyboard, and the screenshot can be pasted into any photo editing software, such as Paint or Photoshop .
  • On a Mac, CMD Shift 4 allows you to use your mouse to select a part of your screen to capture a screenshot. On your computer, you can use the Snipping Tool, a program in Windows, to select a specific area of ​​your screen to take a screenshot.

Windows button + L locks your screen

  • One way to lock a Windows PC from your keyboard is by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete and then selecting “Lock”.
  • If you only want to use the keyboard, you can lock Windows with Windows Key + L.
  • Once Windows is locked, you’ll need to use your account password to reopen it.

Aside from locking it from the Start menu, letting it automatically lock after a period of inactivity, and even using Bluetooth to lock it when it seems like you’re not there, there are two ways to lock Windows with quick keyboard shortcuts.

CTRL + Shift + Esc will open the task manager

The fastest way to bring up Task Manager, assuming your keyboard works, is to simply press Ctrl + Shift + Esc. As a bonus, Ctrl + Shift + Esc offers a quick way to bring up Task Manager while using Remote Desktop or you work in a virtual machine (since Ctrl + Alt + Del would mark your local computer).

Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert and Ctrl+X

Both Ctrl + C and Ctrl + Insert will copy the highlighted text or a selected item. If you want to cut an object instead of copying it, press Ctrl + X. This deletes the text or item and saves it to the clipboard, instead of copying it to the clipboard.
